Livestreaming og optagelse

Live streaming and recording as well as large-screen production for events are probably the type of video that is most reminiscent of TV.

We simply come out to your event, set up a number of cameras and microphones, and then produce a live coverage which, among other things, can be “broadcasted” directly online on the internet. The recorded material can also be post-edited and used on websites, published or sent out to the participants afterwards.

In this day and age, live streaming typically takes place on YouTube and Facebook.

  • We are often hired for the following services:
  • Live streaming of a lecture
  • Live streaming of entire conferences and congresses
  • Big screen production for events
  • Recording of theat performances, musicals or shows
  • This can be done either with one of our small mobile setups, or our OB-van.

In recent years, the OB-van has been the centerpiece of a large number of productions across the country, including for TV productions and live streaming of major events.

Here, among others, can be mentioned:

  • The Gaffa Prize 2020
  • Michael Carøe
  • Trade and the proms
  • Political debates
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs events
  • CFO conferences
  • Boxing
  • Danish Climbing Association
  • Floorwars
  • Various demonstrations

The OB-van, which is a rolling TV studio, is built for almost every type of production imaginable. It is equipped with modern production equipment in the very best of quality, and of course in HD.

The OB-van can produce recordings with 5-6 HD camera chains as standard, but can be expanded to more as needed. It is suitable for: Concerts, large meetings, conferences, TV productions, shows and events, company events, theater shows as well as streaming to the internet.

For each production, we plan, in close cooperation with the customer, the optimal setup for the event. The possibilities are endless and can be adapted to the individual customer – including the number of cameras, camera crane, hand-held cameras, lighting, etc.

Our photographers, producers and technicians are extremely experienced, and over time have solved many tasks within live productions, such as sports, concerts, shows etc.

Get in touch with us to find out more – we are happy to have a talk to find the right solution for you.

We work with package solutions that are tailored to your event, and we offer a price guarantee, so you’re certain not to receive any unforeseen extra bills.


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